Where did God come from?

The question is often asked: if God created the universe, then who created God? This is not a very effective way to approach the concept, as one could always ask who created the one who created God? At some point, there would have to be one singular source from which all things came. So in order to understand how God created the universe and is the source of all things, we must first have a fundamental understanding of God.

Science explains who God is and how He is able to do what He does. Firstly, God has no beginning or end. This is because God is in essence, energy. Scientific law says that energy cannot be created or destroyed…it can only be converted from one form to another. God is an infinite ocean of energy with an all-knowing mind that is pure and flawless.

Before anything else existed, the only reality was God in His infinite energy form. When God decided to create, He opened a space within Himself, creating a vacuum of existence in which He would create. God took “fractions” of His infinite energy and converted it to matter, which He manipulated through His infinite intellect to create the realms of Heaven, and Earth. To prove that all matter had its origin as energy, one only has to take a material such as paper, ignite it, and you can see how it changes from paper to heat and light energy.

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