After Jesus had been fasting in the wilderness for forty days and forty nights, the devil approached him and tempted him three times. The first temptation was for Jesus to turn stones into bread to satisfy his hunger. The devil’s challenge to Jesus was to prove that he was truly the Son of God by using his divine power to feed himself. However, Jesus refused to use his power for his own benefit and quoted scripture to rebuke the devil.
The second temptation took place on the top of the temple in Jerusalem, where the devil challenged Jesus to jump off the roof and rely on angels to catch him. The devil again used scripture to try to trick Jesus into testing God’s protection, but Jesus refused to be swayed and quoted scripture to rebuke the devil.
The third and final temptation occurred when the devil took Jesus to a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, offering to give them to him if he would worship him. The devil wanted Jesus to abandon his mission to save humanity and instead use his divine power for personal gain. But Jesus refused and rebuked the devil again using scripture.
Throughout these temptations, Jesus demonstrated his obedience to God and his unwavering commitment to his mission to save humanity. In the end, the devil was defeated and Jesus emerged from the wilderness strengthened and ready to begin his ministry.