Once upon a time, in Bethlehem, there was a young shepherd boy named David. David was noted for his fearlessness and great faith in God, despite his lowly beginnings. He would frequently spend his days caring for his father’s sheep and singing praise hymns to God.

The prophet Samuel came to Bethlehem one day in search of the future king of Israel. God had spoken to Samuel, telling him that the next king would come from the house of Jesse, and Samuel was to anoint him with oil.

Samuel spoke with Jesse and his sons, but none of them was chosen. Jesse then revealed that he had another son, David, who was tending to the sheep. When Samuel sent for David, he knew in his heart that this was the one God had chosen.

Samuel anointed David with oil with great pomp, and the Spirit of the Lord descended on him. David’s life was permanently changed after that day. He rose from a humble shepherd lad to the future king of Israel.

David, on the other hand, never forgot his roots and remained humble and loyal to God throughout his life. He endured numerous problems and obstacles, yet he always sought God’s guidance and strength. He created many praise and worship songs, and his words continue to encourage people today.

We learn from David’s anointing that God can choose anybody to do his will, regardless of social status. What matters is not our external look or rank, but the purity of our hearts and our resolve to serve God. And when we are anointed by God, we are given the power and strength to carry out our life’s mission and to accomplish great things in his honor.

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