When he was an adult, John, who was born to Zechariah and Elizabeth, developed into a prophet. God instructed the people about the advent of the Messiah through John the Baptist. But John chose to preach in the desert rather than teach in the synagogues or the towns where he travelled. People travelled from Jerusalem and around Judea to listen to John’s teachings. He told them that in order to gain God’s favor, they had to turn away from sinful behaviors. After hearing John’s message, many people realized they needed to turn away from their sins, and John baptized those individuals in the Jordan River.
John led a life that was uncomplicated. He dressed in camel hair garments and his diet consisted of honeydew melon and locusts. Individuals were interested in learning more about John. Even the haughty Pharisees and Sadducees made the journey to see him. John admonished them, saying, “You need to turn away from your sins and repent.” Just because you call yourselves Abraham’s descendants does not make you any more exceptional than everyone else. This in no way indicates that you have been adopted as children of God.
Several people came to John with the question, “What are we supposed to do in order to appease God?” John imparted the following wisdom to the Jewish people: “If you have two coats, give one away to a person who needs it.” Do you have any idea why he would say such a thing? He emphasized to his disciples the importance of loving one another in order for them to satisfy God.
John admonished the people who were collecting taxes, saying, “Be honest, and do not deceive anybody.” He admonished the troops, telling them, “Do not accept bribes and do not speak lies.”
In addition, priests and Levites came to John and questioned him, asking, “Who are you?” Everyone is curious about it.'” As Isaiah had prophesied, John declared, “I am a voice in the wilderness, leading people to God.”
The lessons that John was giving his students were very well received. Many people speculated that John might have been the Messiah. But, he revealed to them that someone significantly more powerful was on their way. Even untying his sandals would be beyond my capabilities at this point. I am the one who baptizes with water, but he is the one who will baptize with the holy spirit.