The story of Jesus being arrested is one of the key events in the Christian faith and is recorded in the Bible in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

According to the Gospels, Jesus had just finished the Last Supper with his disciples when he was betrayed by one of his own, Judas Iscariot. Judas had agreed to betray Jesus to the religious authorities for thirty pieces of silver.

After leaving the Upper Room where they had eaten, Jesus and his disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. It was there that Judas arrived with a group of soldiers and religious leaders who were armed with swords and clubs.

Judas had arranged a signal with the soldiers so that they would know which man was Jesus. He approached Jesus and greeted him with a kiss, which was the prearranged sign of identification.

At this point, the soldiers seized Jesus and arrested him. One of Jesus’ disciples, Peter, drew his sword and attacked one of the soldiers, cutting off his ear. But Jesus rebuked Peter and told him to put his sword away.

Jesus was then taken to the high priest’s house, where he was interrogated and accused of blasphemy. The religious leaders wanted to put him to death, but they needed the approval of the Roman authorities to carry out a death sentence.

Jesus was eventually taken before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea. Pilate questioned Jesus and found no fault with him, but the religious leaders continued to demand his execution.

In the end, Pilate gave in to their demands and sentenced Jesus to be crucified. He was led away to be crucified, carrying his own cross, and was eventually nailed to the cross and left to die.

The story of Jesus being arrested and ultimately crucified is seen by Christians as a fulfillment of prophecies in the Old Testament, and is a central event in the Christian faith, symbolizing the sacrifice that Jesus made for humanity.

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