‘The Kingdom of God is nigh,’ Jesus began to preach shortly after his baptism. Disciples accompanied him as he traveled throughout Galilee and Judea. When Jesus got to Nazareth, he went to the synagogue, opened the scroll of Isaiah, and read aloud: ‘God has given me the holy spirit, so that I may preach the good news.’ What exactly did that mean? It meant that, while people were interested in seeing Jesus do miracles, the major reason he received the Holy Spirit was to spread the good news. Then he announced to his audience, ‘Now this prophecy has come true.’

Then Jesus went to the Sea of Galilee, where he met four of his fishing disciples. ‘Come with me, and I will make you fishers of men,’ he invited them. Peter, Andrew, James, and John were their names. They abandoned their fishing operation and followed him. They traveled throughout Galilee, teaching about God’s Kingdom. They delivered sermons in synagogues, marketplaces, and on the streets. A big mob trailed them everywhere they went. Word of Jesus spread all across the world, including Syria.

During time, Jesus granted some of his disciples the ability to heal people and cast out demons. Others accompanied him as he traveled from city to city and hamlet to village preaching. Several devout women, including Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, and others, looked after Jesus and his disciples.

Jesus sent his disciples out to preach after training them. Jesus chose 70 of his disciples and dispatched them in pairs to preach throughout Judea. They educated individuals from all walks of life about the Kingdom. When the disciples returned, they were eager to inform Jesus of what had occurred. Jesus made certain that his disciples would carry on this vital mission after he went to heaven. ‘Preach the good news all around the world,’ he said.

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