The Israelites once more turned their backs on God and began to worship other, more pagan deities. When the Israelites were attacked and put into battle by the Ammonites, those false gods did nothing to assist them in the conflict.

The Israelites endured hardships for a long period of time. At last, they acknowledged their guilt before God and declared, “We have sinned.” Please save us from our attackers.’ The Israelites were instructed to destroy their idols and restart their worship of God. God did not want them to continue to be in pain so he intervened.

It was decided that the best person to lead the people into battle against the Ammonites would be a warrior by the name of Jephthah. He spoke to God and said, “If you help us win this war, I promise that when I return home, I will give you the first person who comes out of my house to meet me.” He listened and then helped them win the battle. God responded favorably to Jephthah’s petition and gave him the victory in the fight.

When Jephthah got back to his house, his daughter, who was at that time his sole child, ran out to greet him as soon as she saw him. She was also playing the tambourine while she was dancing. What course of action would Jepthah take? He suddenly recalled the commitment he had made and exclaimed, “Oh no, my daughter!” You have completely shattered my heart. I made a promise to God. In order to safeguard it, I will have to dispatch you to Shiloh to serve in the tabernacle there.

But she told him, “Father, if you made a promise to God, you must maintain it. If you made a promise to God, you must keep it.” My only request is that I be allowed to spend the next two months with my female friends in the highlands. After that, I shall leave.’ The remainder of Jephthah’s daughter’s life was spent dedicating herself to service at the tabernacle. Her close friends made it a tradition to pay her a visit in Shiloh once a year.

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