Athaliah, Jezebel’s daughter, was just as wicked as her mother. Athaliah was married to Judah’s king. When her husband died, her son took over as ruler. When her son died, Athaliah ascended to the throne of Judah. Then she attempted to wipe out the entire royal line, murdering anyone who could succeed her as ruler, including her own grandsons. Everybody was terrified of her.
High Priest Jehoiada and his wife, Jehosheba, were well aware of Athaliah’s actions. They put their lives in danger to hide one of Athaliah’s grandchildren, a baby named Jehoash. He was raised in the temple.
Jehoiada gathered all the chieftains and Levites when Jehoash was seven years old and told them, ‘Guard the doors of the temple and don’t let anyone in.’ Then Jehoiada elevated Jehoash to the throne of Judah and bestowed a crown on his head. ‘Long live the king!’ exclaimed the people of Judah.
Queen Athaliah yells
When Queen Athaliah heard the commotion, she dashed to the temple. “Conspiracy!” she exclaimed when she saw the new king. Conspiracy!” The chieftains seized the evil queen, carried her away, and executed her. But what about the negative impact she’d had on the country?
Jehoiada assisted the nation in making a covenant with God, promising to worship only Him. Jehoiada had them demolish the Baal temple and smash the idols to pieces. He assigned priests and Levites to work at the temple so that the people could once again worship there. He assigned gatekeepers to guard the temple, ensuring that no unclean people entered.
Then Jehoiada and the chieftains brought Jehoash to the palace and installed him as king. The people of Judah were overjoyed. They could finally serve God, free of the evil Athaliah and Baal worship. Do you see how Jehoiada’s bravery aided so many people?