Jezebel was furious when she learned what had happened to the Baal prophets. ‘Tomorrow, you will be dead like the prophets of Baal,’ she said to Elijah. Elijah became terrified and fled to the desert. ‘God, I can’t take it any longer,’ he prayed. ‘Please let me die.’ Elijah was exhausted and fell asleep under a tree.

An angel gently woke him up and said, ‘Get up and eat.’ Elijah saw a round loaf of bread and a jug of water on heated stones. He ate and drank before going back to sleep. ‘Eat,’ the angel said again, waking him up. You will require strength for your journey.’ As a result, Elijah ate some more. He then journeyed for 40 days and 40 nights until he arrived at Mount Horeb.

Elijah retired to a cave to sleep. However, God spoke to him. ‘What are you doing here, Elijah?’ he asked. ‘The Israelites have broken their promise to you,’ Elijah replied. They demolished your altars and murdered your prophets. They’re now attempting to kill me as well.’

‘Go and stand on the mountain,’ God said. First, a strong wind blew through the cave. Then there was an earthquake, followed by a fire. Elijah finally heard a low, calm voice. He stood outside the cave, his face hidden behind his coat. God then inquired as to why he fled. ‘I’m the only one left,’ Elijah said. ‘You are not alone,’ God said.

In Israel, there are still 7,000 people who worship me. Go and appoint Elisha as your replacement as a prophet.’ Elijah immediately went to do what God had told him to do. Do you believe God will also help you if you do what he says? He will, indeed. Let’s look into something that occurred during the drought.

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