The story of Esther is a well-known biblical tale that tells the story of a young Jewish girl who became queen of Persia and saved her people from destruction.
The story begins with the Persian king Ahasuerus, who ruled over a vast empire that stretched from India to Ethiopia. One day, he decided to throw a lavish banquet for all his officials and servants, which lasted for seven days. On the final day of the banquet, he summoned his queen, Vashti, to appear before him and display her beauty to the guests. But Vashti refused, and the king was furious. He banished her from the palace and began searching for a new queen.
Meanwhile, a young Jewish girl named Esther was living in Persia with her cousin Mordecai. Esther was beautiful and kind, and she had won the favor of all who knew her. When the king’s officials went out to find a new queen, Esther was among the young women chosen to be taken to the palace and prepared for the king’s inspection. Esther found favor in the king’s eyes and was crowned queen of Persia.
However, Esther had not revealed her Jewish identity to the king or anyone else in the palace. One day, Mordecai overheard a plot by two of the king’s officials to assassinate him, and he told Esther about it. Esther reported the plot to the king, and the two officials were executed. Meanwhile, a wicked man named Haman had been appointed by the king as his chief advisor. Haman hated the Jews and plotted to have them all killed. He convinced the king to issue a decree allowing for the destruction of all the Jews in the empire.
Mordecai learned of Haman’s plot and urged Esther to reveal her Jewish identity to the king and plead for her people’s lives. Esther was hesitant, as anyone who approached the king without being summoned could be put to death. But Mordecai urged her, saying, “Who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)
Esther bravely approached the king and invited him and Haman to a banquet she had prepared. At the banquet, the king asked Esther what she wanted, and she asked that he spare her people from destruction. The king was shocked to learn that his beloved queen was a Jew and that Haman had plotted to kill her people. He ordered Haman to be executed, and he issued a new decree allowing the Jews to defend themselves against their attackers.
The Jews were saved from destruction, and Esther and Mordecai were hailed as heroes. The festival of Purim was established to commemorate their deliverance, and the story of Esther has been celebrated by Jews around the world ever since as a testament to the power of courage, faith, and divine providence.