Ahab was one of the worst kings in the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel. He married a demon who worshiped Baal. Jezebel was her name. Ahab and Jezebel instilled Baal worship in the land and murdered God’s prophets. What action did God take? He dispatched the prophet Elijah to deliver a message to Ahab.

Elijah warned King Ahab that there would be no rain in Israel because of his bad behavior. Crops failed to grow for more than three years, and people went hungry. God later returned Elijah to Ahab. ‘You are a troublemaker,’ said the king. This is entirely your fault.’ ‘I did not cause this drought,’ Elijah replied. You accomplished this by worshiping Baal. We’ll run a test. Gather the nation and the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel.’

The crowd had gathered on the mountain. ‘Make up your minds,’ Elijah said. Follow God if he is the true God. If Baal is, then you should follow him. This is my challenge. The 450 Baal prophets should make an offering to their god, and I will make an offering to God. The true God is the one who responds with fire.’ Everyone agreed.

Baal’s prophets prepared an offering. They prayed to their god all day, ‘O Baal, answer us!’ When Baal did not respond, Elijah mocked him. ‘Call as loud as you can,’ he said. Perhaps he has fallen asleep and needs to be roused.’ Evening came, and the prophets of Baal continued to call. But there was still no response.

Elijah placed his sacrifice on an altar and poured water over it. ‘O God, please let the people know that you are the true God,’ he prayed. God immediately sent fire from heaven to consume the offering. The people exclaimed, ‘Yahweh is the true God!’ ‘Do not let the prophets of Baal flee!’ said Elijah. On that day, the 450 prophets of Baal were slaughtered.

When a small cloud appeared over the sea, Elijah warned Ahab that a storm was on its way. ‘Hitch your chariot and return home.’ The sky darkened with clouds, the wind howled, and heavy rain began to fall. The drought had finally ended. Ahab accelerated his chariot as quickly as he could. Elijah actually outran the chariot with the help of God! But were Elijah’s troubles over? Let’s see what happens.

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