When Solomon became King of Israel, God asked him, ‘What do you want me to give you?’ ‘I am young, and I have no idea what I am doing,’ Solomon admitted. Please give me the wisdom to care for your people.’ ‘Because you asked to be wise, I will make you the wisest man on the planet,’ God said. I will also make you extremely wealthy. And you will live a long life if you obey me.’
Solomon began construction on the temple. He made use of only the finest gold, silver, wood, and stone. The temple was built by thousands of skilled men and women. The temple was ready to be dedicated to God after seven years. There was an altar with offerings on it.
‘O God, this temple is not big enough or beautiful enough for you, but please accept our worship and listen to our prayers,’ Solomon knelt in front of the altar. What was God’s opinion of the temple and Solomon’s prayer? As soon as Solomon finished his prayer, fire descended from heaven and consumed the sacrifices on the altar. The temple was approved by God. The Israelites rejoiced when they saw this.
King Solomon was well-known for his wisdom throughout Israel and even further afield. People sought Solomon’s advice on their problems. Even the Queen of Sheba came to put him through his paces with difficult questions. ‘I did not believe what people had told me about you, but now I see that you are even wiser than they said,’ she said after hearing his responses. God, your God, has blessed you.’ Life was good for Israel, and the people were content. But that was about to change.