After some time had passed and the Israelites were still wandering in the wilderness, a rebellion against Moses was headed by Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, along with another 250 people. They confronted him with the statement, “We have had enough of you! Why should Aaron be our high priest if you’re going to be our leader instead of him? Not only you and Aaron, but all of us have God on our side. It did not please God at all. He saw it as an act of defiance directed on him!

In a conversation with Korah and the people who supported him, Moses said, “Come to the tabernacle tomorrow, and bring your fire holders filled with incense.” God will reveal to us who it is that he has selected.

The following day, Korah led a group of approximately 250 men to the Tabernacle to speak with Moses. In one place, they pretended to be priests by burning incense. God instructed Moses and Aaron to keep their distance from Korah and the men who followed him.

Even though Korah went to see Moses at the Tabernacle, Dathan, Abiram, and their families did not go with them. The Israelites were instructed by God to move away from the tents occupied by Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. The Israelites fled the area as soon as they could. The families of Dathan and Abiram were seen standing outside of their respective tents. They were suddenly engulfed by the ground when it suddenly cracked open! At the tabernacle, a fire suddenly broke out and killed Korah and his 250 followers instantly.

The earth opens up and swallows Dathan, Abiram, and both of their families.

God then said to Moses, “Take a staff from the leader of each tribe, and write his name on it.” Moses did as God instructed. Write Aaron’s name, however, on the scepter that represents the tribe of Levi. Place them inside the tabernacle, and the staff of the man I choose will begin to bloom with beautiful flowers.’

The following day, Moses gathered all the staffs together and displayed them in front of the elders. On top of the staff that Aaron used, there were flowers sprouting, as well as luscious nuts. By doing so, God demonstrated that Aaron will indeed serve as the high priest in the Israelite community.

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