CHAPTER 1- The Creator

He could sense the thunder filling his ears as his consciousness emerged into existence. Like a cascade of light, his form took shape—first his face, then his torso, then his hands and feet. In mere moments, he stood complete, dressed in an elaborate white tunic that stretched down below his knees. His bronze hair framed a chiseled face and eyes th…
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CHAPTER 2 – Glories of Heaven

Joel bit his upper lip, then said, ‘You mean the Myriad went into the Mountain through this hole?’ ‘Exactly,’ Ariel responded. Gaius knelt over the hole. Gingerly, he placed his hand over it and an expression of surprise came to his face. ‘It is warm.’ ‘But how do we get in?’ Joel began, ‘we cannot fit through such a tiny opening.’ Gaius shrugg…
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CHAPTER 3 – The Myriad

Magnificent. That was the only word Ariel could use to describe his home. The structure was made of pure crystal that, amazingly, was not reflective or translucent. It simply glimmered like solid water. The floor was made of white marble tiling. Angels did not need to sleep or even rest, but a living quarters provided a secluded place where one cou…
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