Jesus, along with Joseph and Mary’s other sons and daughters, were raised in Nazareth by the Holy Family. Joseph was a carpenter by trade and provided for his family while also instructing his children in the ways of God and his law. The family attended services at the synagogue on a regular basis and travelled to Jerusalem for the Passover holiday on an annual basis.

When Jesus was twelve years old, his family undertook the arduous journey to Jerusalem that they did every year. Those who had travelled to attend the Passover celebrations packed the streets of the city. After that, Joseph and Mary started walking back to their house, but they continued to imagine that Jesus was with them. They looked for him among their relatives, but they were unable to locate him among any of them.

They went back to Jerusalem, where they had been searching for their kid for the previous three days. In the end, they made their way to the temple. Jesus was there, sitting in the middle of the instructors, paying close attention, and asking insightful questions. Because the instructors were so taken aback by Jesus, they started questioning him about several things. They were completely taken aback by his responses. They were able to tell that he was familiar with God’s Law.

Both Joseph and Mary had been experiencing a great deal of anxiety. Mary responded by saying, “Child, we have been seeking for you everywhere! Who are you and where have you been? Jesus asked them, “Did you not know that I must be here in my Father’s house?” (Did you not know that I had to be here?)

Jesus accompanied his mother and father back to their hometown of Nazareth. Carpentry was one of the trades that Jesus was instructed in by Joseph. What kind of a young man do you believe Jesus to have been when he was in his twenties? Jesus’ level of understanding and favor with both God and others grew significantly as he got older.

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