Moses’s time as leader of the Israelite nation for a significant portion of his life was drawing to a close. God revealed to him that he would not be the one to lead the Jews into the Promised Land. But I will allow you to take a look at the land. After that, Moses pleaded with God to appoint a successor for him as leader of the Israelites. God instructed him to go to Joshua and tell him that he was chosen to lead the people.
Moses informed the Israelites that he was nearing the end of his life and that Joshua had been selected by God to be the one to lead them into the Promised Land. After that, Moses addressed Joshua, telling him, “Do not be scared.” God will aid you.’ Soon after that, Moses traveled to the peak of Mount Nebo, where God revealed to him the location of the land that he had previously promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. When Moses passed away, he had lived for a whole 120 years.
Joshua receives his commission from Moses in front of the priest and other men.
God instructed Joshua to proceed into Canaan after telling him to cross the Jordan River. You may count on my assistance, just like Moses did. It is imperative that you read my Law on a daily basis. Do not be terrified. Be brave. Go and carry out the instructions that I have given to you in this regard.
Joshua despatched two spies to investigate Jericho’s city walls. In the next account, we shall gain further insight into what transpired at that location. After they had returned, they reported that the time had come to enter Canaan, and that it was a good moment to do so. The following day, Joshua gave the command for the nation to dismantle their camp. Then, he dispatched the priests who were transporting the ark of the covenant in the direction of the Jordan River and told them to go ahead. The river had begun to flood.
As soon as the priests’ feet reached the water, the flow of the river halted, and the water began to drain away! The priests made their way to the center of the riverbed and stood there while the Israelites made their way across to the other side of the water. Do you believe that this miracle caused them to reflect on what God had done in the past, specifically in the Red Sea?
The Israelites had been traveling for so many years, but they had finally arrived at the land that had been promised to them. They were able to construct cities and homes. They had the option of cultivating land into fields, vineyards, and orchards. It was a land where milk and honey flowed abundantly.