After leaving Mount Sinai, the Israelites traveled through the desert of Paran until they reached a location known as Kadesh. There, God spoke to Moses, saying, “Send 12 men, one from each tribe, to spy out Canaan, the land that I will give to the Israelites.” Canaan is the land that the Israelites are going to occupy.

Thus, Moses selected 12 men and instructed them, saying, “Go to Canaan, and find out whether the land is favorable for growing food.” Examine the populace to determine whether they are feeble or powerful, as well as whether they live in tents or in cities. Joshua and Caleb were among the 12 spies who embarked on the journey to Canaan.

Over a period of forty days, the spies made their way back, carrying grapes, figs, and pomegranates with them. According to the information provided by the spies, “It is a good land, but the people are tough and the towns have thick walls.” And Caleb declared, “We are able to subdue them.” Let’s get going as soon as possible!’ Do you have any idea why Caleb made such a statement? Since both he and Joshua put their trust in God. But, the remaining ten spies all replied with “No!” People, there are enormous; they look like giants! In comparison to them, we may as well have been grasshoppers.

Discouragement set in among the Jews. They started to grumble and say things to one another like, “Let’s pick a new leader and head back to Egypt.” Why should we risk our lives by going to this terrible location? Joshua and Caleb advised the people not to disobey God and to not let fear control them. We may trust in God to watch over us. Yet, the Israelis refused to pay attention. Even Joshua and Caleb were a target for their assassination attempts.

What did God do? He told Moses, “After all that I have done for the Israelites, they still refuse to obey you. They have decided to spend the next four decades living in the forest, where they will eventually perish. Only their children, as well as Joshua and Caleb, will be allowed to reside in the country that I have promised to give them.

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